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OHIP Rejection Code Library
OHIP Rejection Code Library

Learn how to fix OHIP rejections and get your claims paid

MDBilling - VTC - Virtual Tech Code Required
MDBilling - A2A - Patient is underage or overage for this service code
MDBilling - A2B – This service is not normally performed for this sex
MDBilling - A3F – No fee exists for this service code on this date of service
MDBilling - A34 - Duplicate service codes submitted
MDBilling - A36 - Claimed by Other Practitioner
MDBilling - A3E - No such service code for date of service
MDBilling - A3H - Max # Ser FSM Ref MC
MDBilling - A4D - Invalid specialty for this service code
MDBilling - AC1 - Rejection (AC1 Error) - Maximum reached
MDBilling - AC4 / ARF - Invalid Referral Number
MDBilling - AD1 / AD9 - Corresponding procedure not claimed/Premium not allowed alone
MDBilling - AD5 - Service code only allowed once per patient per day
MDBilling - ADF/DF - Corresponding procedure invalid, omitted or paid at zero
MDBilling - AH5 - Invalid hospital admission date
MDBilling - AH8 - Hospital and/or Admission Date is missing or invalid
MDBilling - ASP - Not allowed with surgical procedure
MDBilling - VW1 – Invalid WCB Service
MDBilling - AH9 – Diagnostic/miscellaneous service for hospital patient is not allowed on a fee-for-service basis – included in the hospital global budget
MDBilling - Rejection - Incorrect District Code
MDBilling - AMR - Minimum service requirements have not been met
MDBilling - AO3 - Service claimed by another practitioner
MDBilling - CNA - Counselling not allowed
MDBilling - EG1 - Group not Eligible
MDBilling - EH1 – Service date is greater than eligibility end date
MDBilling - EH2 - Invalid Version Code
MDBilling - EH4/EH5 - OHIP Number Not Valid on Date of Service
MDBilling - EH6 - Patient deceased
MDBilling - ENP - Invalid service code for Nurse Practitioner referrals
MDBilling - EP3 - Check Service Date / Enrolment Date
MDBilling - EPF - Enrollment Date Mismatch
MDBilling - EQ1- Health care provider is not registered
MDBilling - EQ2 - Specialty code is inactive or not registered on date of service
MDBilling - EQB - Inactive provider billing number
MDBilling - EQC - Group number is not registered
MDBilling - EQD - Group number is not registered
MDBilling - EQE - Healthcare provider not registered as an affiliate of group
MDBilling - EQF - Healthcare provider is not ACTIVELY registered
MDBilling - EQG - Referring laboratory is not registered with the Ministry of Health
MDBilling - ERF / EQ6 - Inactive or invalid referring physician
MDBilling - ESD – APP Group Affiliation on Service Date
MDBilling - ESF – A non-encounter service claim submitted by a physician not eligible to bill FSC codes
MDBilling - ET1 - Provider Not Registered for Virtual Care Program
MDBilling - ET4 - Virtual Care Program B-Code Missing or SLI Code Invalid
MDBilling - ET5 - Virtual Care Program SLI Code Missing
MDBilling - HCC - Not on Health Care Connect (HCC) database
MDBilling - HCE - HCE Enrolment After 3 months
MDBilling - R02 / R03 - Reciprocal Medical Billing Error
MDBilling - R08 - Invalid referral number
MDBilling - TM1 - Duplicate Virtual Care Claim for Same Patient
MDBilling - TM3 - Service Not Payable Under Virtual Care Program
MDBilling - TM4 - Non-Virtual Care Claim Already Paid for This Patient
MDBilling - TM6 - Virtual Care Program Registration Not in Effect on Service Date
MDBilling - TM5 - Virtual Care Claim Already Paid for This Patient
MDBilling - TM7 - Dental Services Not Payable Under Virtual Care Program
MDBilling - V08 - Invalid specialty code
MDBilling - V09 - Invalid referral number
MDBilling - V16 - Unacceptable Diagnostic Code
MDBilling - V21 - Diagnostic Code Required
MDBilling - V22 - Invalid diagnostic code
MDBilling - V23 - Check no. of services
MDBilling - V28 – Invalid Hospital Number
MDBilling - V30 - FSC / DX code Combination NAB
MDBilling - V35 - Invalid OOP/OOC Service
MDBilling - V39 - Number of items exceeds the maximum (99)
MDBilling - V64 – Missing Service Location Indicator (SLI)
MDBilling - V65 - Missing master number
MDBilling - V66 – Missing Admission Date
MDBilling - V67 – Missing master number and admission date
MDBilling - V68 - Incorrect Service Location Indicator
MDBilling - V69 – Service date invalid for SLI
MDBilling - V70 - Date of service is greater than the batch/file creation date
MDBilling - VH1 / VH4/ VH9 - OHIP number not valid
MDBilling - VH2 – HN is Missing
MDBilling - VH8 - No match on DOB with HN
MDBilling - VHB - No HN Req’d for FSC
MDBilling - VJ7/VJ8 - Stale dated claim