For physicians in British Columbia
Billing Quebec Patients
BC Physicians - General Internal Medicine (GIM)
BC Physicians - Neurology
BC Physicians - Psychiatry
BC Physicians - Obstetrics
BC Physicians - Residential Care
BC Physicians - Quick Bill for Internal Medicine Specialists
Specialist Billing Tips
Anesthesia Billing
BC Physicians: Anaesthetic Multiplier
BC Physicians - New Fees Codes -General Internal Medicine (GIM)
BC Physicians - Incentive Fees for Locums
BC Physicians - New Incorporation
Patient Panel Upload FAQs
Longitudinal Family Physician (LFP) Payment Model Enrollment & Billing Structure
BC Physicians - Pending vs. On Hold Claims
BC Physicians - Delay for Paid Claims
BC Physicians - Default Account Settings
BC Physicians - Second Payee Number -Will this affect my other billings?
BC Physicians - Held Claims
BC Physicians - Write-Offs
BC Physicians - Submit Your Claims Within 90 Days
BC Physicians - Cut-Off Dates
BC Physicians - What Does The Status of My Claim Mean?
My Claims Don't Match My Paid Amount
BC Physicians - Pending Payment Number
BC Physicians - Completing Payment Forms
How to Change Your MSP Direct Deposit
BC Billing Support – Active Claims Status and Remittance Payment Reports
Billing for the Business Cost Premium (Android)
BC Physicians - Billing for an Incarcerated Patient
BC Physicians - Billing for Out of Province Patients
BC Physicians - Billing WCB
BC Physicians - Billing for a Baby
BC Physicians - Continuing Care
BC Physicians - Refugee Patients
BC Physicians - Reciprocal Claims
BC Physicians - Over-Age Claims
BC Physicians - Call Outs
BC Physicians - Resubmitting Claims When Coverage Reinstated
BC Physicians - Directive Care vs. Supportive Care
BC Physicians - Surgical Assist Helpful Notes
BC PHYSICIANS - WCB out of province
BC - WCB - sending via Teleplan
BC WorkSafe e-FORM 8/11 (Web)
Resubmitting Rejected Claims to MSP
How to bill Certified Surgical Assists 70019, 70020, 00198
Billing for the Business Cost Premium (Web)
Billing for the Business Cost Premium (iPhone)