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LFP Enrolment 2025

Import Update about Longitudinal Family Physician Payment Model

Cassidy Tonkin avatar
Written by Cassidy Tonkin
Updated over 3 months ago

From the LFP Payment Schedule: Physicians are not required to register and bill under the LFP Payment Model for all settings in which they provide care. A physician may choose to bill either the LFP Payment Model, Fee-for-Service, or an alternative payment model for each facility-based setting. Physicians are encouraged to bill under the LFP Payment Model for multiple settings as it is designed as a comprehensive payment model.[TB1]


98000 Longitudinal Family Physician Payment Model Enrolment Code

A longitudinal family physician who meets the Eligibility Criteria submits this code to enrol or continue enrolment in the LFP Payment Model.

By submitting 98000, the physician confirms that they meet the Eligibility Criteria as outlined in this Longitudinal Family Physician Payment Schedule. The physician agrees to only claim for payment in relation to services in accordance with the terms contained in this LFP Payment Schedule. Enrolment is effective on the first day that the physician bills a time code following submission of 98000.

a) Submit once per calendar year per physician.

b) For physicians who meet the Eligibility Criteria, submission provides access to the LFP time codes, interaction codes, and panel payment until the end of the calendar year.

98005 Longitudinal Family Physician Payment Model Locum Enrolment Code

A family physician who meets the Locum Eligibility Criteria submits this code to enrol or continue enrolment in the LFP Payment Model to provide LFP Locum Services.

By submitting 98005, the physician confirms that they meet the Locum Eligibility Criteria.

The physician agrees to only claim for payment in relation to services in accordance with the terms contained in this LFP Payment Schedule, including that that they can only bill locum time codes and locum interaction codes when they provide LFP Locum Services. Enrolment is effective on the first day that the physician bills a locum time code following submission of 98005.

a) Submit once per calendar year.

b) Submission provides access to locum time codes and locum interaction codes for clinic and facility-based services until the end of the calendar year.

How to submit the Enrolment Code (98000 or 98005 for locums)

A physician submits the Enrolment Code using their MSP Practitioner Number and the following “patient” demographic information:

PHN: 9694105066

Patient Surname: Portal

First name: LFP

Date of Birth: January 1, 2023

ICD-9 code: L23


98002 LFP Clinic-based Services Registration Code

A family physician submits this code to register to bill under the LFP Payment Model for Clinic-based Services.

By submitting 98002, the physician agrees to only claim for payment in accordance with the terms contained in this LFP Payment Schedule, including that they cannot claim under Fee-for-Service for clinic-based services covered under the LFP Payment Schedule. Registration is effective on the first day that the physician bills a Clinic-based Services time code following submission of 98002.

98003 LFP Long-term Care and Palliative Care Facility Services Registration Code

A family physician submits this code to register to bill under the LFP Payment Model for Long-term Care and Palliative Care Facility Services.

By submitting 98003, the physician agrees to only claim for payment in accordance with the terms contained in this LFP Payment Schedule, including that they cannot claim under Fee-for-Service for long-term care and palliative care facility services covered under the LFP Payment Schedule. Registration is effective on the first day that the physician bills a Long-term Care and Palliative Care time code following submission of 98003.

98004 LFP Inpatient Services Registration Code

A family physician submits this code to register to bill under the LFP Payment Model for Inpatient Services.

By submitting 98004, the physician agrees to only claim for payment in accordance with the terms contained in this LFP Payment Schedule, including that they cannot claim under Fee-for-Service for inpatient services covered under the LFP Payment Schedule.

98006 LFP Pregnancy & Newborn Services Registration Code

A family physician submits this code to register to bill under the LFP Payment Model for Facility-based Pregnancy & Newborn Services.

By submitting 98006, the physician agrees to only claim for payment in accordance with the terms contained in this LFP Payment Schedule, including that they cannot claim under Fee-for-Service for facility-based pregnancy & newborn services covered under the LFP Payment Schedule. Registration is effective on the first day that the physician bills a Pregnancy & Newborn Services time code following submission of 98006.

How to submit a Registration Code

A physician submits a Setting Registration Code using their MSP Practitioner Number and the following “patient” demographic information:

PHN: 9694105066

Patient Surname: Portal

First name: LFP

Date of Birth: January 1, 2023

ICD-9 code: L23

A longitudinal family physician must use the MSP Facility Number associated with their LFP Clinic for their Setting Registration Code(s).

- If they plan to bill under different payment models at different hospitals/facilities, they must put the full name of the hospital/facility where they will be billing under the LFP Payment Model in the claim note record of the Setting Registration Code. (Do not use abbreviations as multiple hospitals/facilities in the province may share the same abbreviation.)

A locum physician must use an MSP Facility Number associated with the longitudinal family medicine clinic of any of their host physicians for their Setting Registration Code(s).

- They are not required to indicate the name of each hospital/facility where they will be billing under the LFP Payment Model as services may be provided at many hospitals/facilities

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Happy Billing!

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