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MDBilling - OHIP Diagnostic Codes (Dx) Lookup
MDBilling - OHIP Diagnostic Codes (Dx) Lookup
Sophia Jarvi avatar
Written by Sophia Jarvi
Updated over 8 months ago

OHIP diagnostic codes (OHIP Dx): How to find the right code using

The diagnosis lookup function will allow you to spell out the diagnosis within your claim and a list of related codes will popup for you to select the appropriate code. To enable this feature, please go to -> Preferences -> turn on the Enable Diagnostic Suggestions -> Save.

Our searching diagnostic codes tutorial has more details if you need them.

Further, you can learn to bill OHIP using our video tutorials. We've broken them down by specialty including common diagnostic codes that you'll want to know.

What are diagnostic codes?

Diagnostic codes are used to group and identify diseases, disorders, symptoms, poisonings, adverse effects of drugs & chemicals, injuries and other reasons for patient encounters.

Diagnosis classification systems have been implemented based on patient encounter types such as emergency, inpatient, outpatient, mental health as well as surgical care. The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) is a widely used classification system for diagnosis coding.

As the knowledge of health and medical advances arise, the diagnostic codes are revised and updated. Hence, there are lists of ICD-8 codes, ICD-9 codes, ICD-10 codes.

What are OHIP diagnostic codes?

MoH requires 3-digit numeric diagnostic codes to be included in the claim for many of the services billed to OHIP.

Which diagnostic codes should I use?

The Ministry of Health MoH currently uses the ICD-8 list of diagnostic codes. Our searching diagnostic codes tutorial has more details if you need them.

List of diagnostic codes for OHIP

A full list of the ICD-8 diagnostic codes can be found in the Resource Manual for Physicians.

Looking for OHIP rejection codes?

Our OHIP rejection code library may also be useful for you.

How do I bill OHIP?

If you're new to OHIP billing, you may find our new doctor billing guide helpful. On the page, you can learn the basics of medical billing in Ontario and a process for ensuring you get paid quickly and accurately.

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