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MDBilling - Retroactive Award for Physicians
Sophia Jarvi avatar
Written by Sophia Jarvi
Updated over a week ago

Retroactive pay for OMA physicians


Recent communication from OMA informed us that we will be receiving retroactive pay for 2017-2018 from the MoH in December. Does MDBilling have any information on this?


Please refer to the OHIP Bulletin 4728 for more information. A brief summary from the notice:

The Ministry of Health (ministry) and the Ontario Medical Association are subject to a Binding Arbitration Award. As part of this award, implementation is underway for the retroactive compensation adjustment for all physician payments for fiscal year 2017/18. There is a further retroactive compensation adjustment for fiscal year 2018/19. The ministry is in the process of calculating the compensation adjustments by specialty.

At the present time, the ministry estimates issuing one-time payments in the following timelines:

  • 2017/18 payments – December 2019

  • 2018/19 payments – April 2020

If you are currently receiving payments from the ministry directly to your individual bank account, no action is required.

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