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MDBilling - Ontario Physicians: OPS BPS/ MCEDT Registration
MDBilling - Ontario Physicians: OPS BPS/ MCEDT Registration

Registering for OPS BPS (formerly Go Secure) for Ontario Physicians

Cassidy Tonkin avatar
Written by Cassidy Tonkin
Updated over 7 months ago

What is OPS BPS / MCEDT?

OPS BPS: Physician portal from the Ministry of Health to help you manage permissions of your claims with your billing software or billing agent (this is also known as the "designation" process).

MCEDT: Medical Claims Electronic Data Transfer - This is the system that allows billing software to upload and download your claims. Permissions to this system are managed in the OPS BPS portal by the physician.

Why do I need an OPS BPS / MCEDT account?

All physicians billing under their solo (0000) billing number need to register for a OPS BPS/ MCEDT account in order to submit their claims to OHIP for processing.

How to register for an OPS BPS/ MCEDT account

When you registered for your OHIP billing number, you should have obtained an invitation letter to register your OPS BPS/MCEDT account. It contains two "Unique Identifiers" that'll you need to enter during this setup process.

Note: If you don't have this letter and you already have a billing number contact the Ministry of Health by email: or phone: 1-800 262-6524 to have one re-issued.

Here is the step-by-step OPS BPS Account Registration video created by the MoH: GO Secure registration

Step 1: Navigate to the OPS BPS portal and register an account

​Step 2: Create your personal details; password; and personal verification questions.

Step 3: Validate your account by receiving the email from OPS BPS and clicking on the URL provided


Step 4: Login to OPS BPS--> select "New User" --> enter your "Unique Identifiers" **don't forget this step!**


You are now done with the registration of your Go Secure/MC EDT account!

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