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MDBilling - AutoPay Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - OHIP
MDBilling - AutoPay Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - OHIP
Sophia Jarvi avatar
Written by Sophia Jarvi
Updated over 8 months ago

Autopay Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - OHIP

Medical billing software from MDBilling.caTM is designed to be intuitive and easy to use. We’ve automated our payment plan so there’s one less thing for you to worry about. Below are some common questions about how our billing practices work. Please contact support if the answer to your question isn’t found here.

When do I need to enter my credit card?

Our system will automatically send you a reminder email to enter a valid credit card.

When will my credit card be charged?

Your credit card will be charged on the 21st of the month.


How will I be charged on the claims with the “I2” explanation code?

“I2” claims are paid at a value of $0.00 and we do not have visibility on the actual payment amount to the physician, as it is negotiated between the OMA (or the physician’s AFP) and MoH. In addition, the payment % may change over time, which we would not be notified of. Therefore, our fees for “I2” claims are based on the amounts that are successfully processed by the MoH (i.e. submitted amount).

If I am on AutoPay why do I continue to receive a bill?

You will continue to receive a billing statement within days after your credit card is charged (on the 21st of the month). This is for your records so that you know how much your credit card has been charged and for tax purposes.

If I want to change my credit card information, can I call and give you my new information?

For your protection, all changes must be in writing. If you want to change your card number, you must log in to our secure portal and navigate to My Invoices to update your credit card information.

Are accounting transactions included in your calculation?

FULL-SERVICE / Concierge Plan: We include accounting transactions in the calculation of our charges (% rate x Grand Total amount).

SELF-SERVICE / Essential Plan: Our rate of 0.25% was designed to exclude accounting transactions knowing there could be some deductions for a particular month (% rate x Total Paid amount).

Note: The calculation of our Self-Service fees excludes accounting transactions, as some physicians may receive special funding or deductions from the Ministry of Health (e.g. Northern Ontario subsidies; Group APP deductions; Roster premiums, etc.) which are not attributed to claim submissions through As such, there is no way for us to know for a particular month if and when a physician may receive a positive or negative accounting transaction.

What if I have questions about billing charges or if I want to dispute a fee?

You can always contact us with any questions you have about your invoice. If it is our error, we will credit your account accordingly.

What cards do you accept?

We accept Visa and Mastercard. Unfortunately, we do not accept regular bank debit cards.

How do you keep my credit card information safe?

We do not store any credit card information on our servers. We use Bambora and Elavon as payment processors – who have attained Level 1 PCI compliance, the highest level of compliance within the payment card industry’s security standards for credit card data. PCI Level 1 means that an organization has been audited by an outside firm and found to meet or exceed its standards for data storage, employee background checks, software security, and processes for updating programs among other items.

For more information, please contact our support team: or (647) 933-8181.

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