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BC Physicians - Cut-Off Dates

How do cutoff dates work? When are MSP's cut-off dates?

Tessa Brown avatar
Written by Tessa Brown
Updated over 5 years ago

Click here for the current list of MSP cut-off dates
MSP processes claim submissions in batches, and there are two cut-off dates for submitting claims each month.Β 

All claims that you submit up until 11am on these days will be included on your next remittance. Anything past 11am will be processed after the next cut-off date.


Imagine today is Thursday, January 19th. You were last paid on the 13th, and the previous cut-off date was January 3rd.

All claims that you have submitted since the 3rd (up until 11am today) will be processed for this cycle. The remittance for this cycle will be posted on Friday, January 27th and you will be paid on Tuesday the 31st.

In general, remittances are posted 7-10 days after the cut-off date – payments go out a few days after.

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