COVID Billing Tip #2 - Submitting Sessional Fee Schedule Codes (H409 / H410)
Sophia Jarvi avatar
Written by Sophia Jarvi
Updated over a week ago

How do I bill H409 / H410 without patient info?

To submit H409 / H410 codes in our system, you are able to create a dummy patient for codes that are not patient-specific.

  1. Create a dummy patient with the health card value of 9777777779 (with any name and DOB)

  2. Create a new claim with this patient

  3. When the claim is ready to be submitted to the Ministry, we will exclude the patient details entered.

Assessment Centre group number:

On the web:

please go to Settings (under <Welcome>) ->My MOH Group -> Create a group with the Assessment Centre group number (please obtain it from the Assessment Centre Administrator)

-> Add New (please disregard the MOH Group Designation popup message). You will then be able to select the group number when creating a new claim.


On the mobile app:

Under the left menu -> Preferences -> MOH Groups -> Create -> Enter group number -> submit. The group number will be selectable when creating a new claim.



  1. The Mxxx group number (Assessment Centre Number) should ONLY be selected when billing service codes H409/H410.

  2. These Assessment Centre billings are submitted through Physicians’ solo MC EDT account and paid directly to the Physicians.

  3. A diagnostic code is required when billing service codes H409/H410.

Here you can find a more detailed instruction: How to Bill at COVID Assessment/Vaccination Centres

Please refer to the OHIP Bulletin #4755 for more details about the billing rules.

For more billing tips, please check out our Billing Tip Library.

Questions? Check under the HELP tab or send an email to

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