How to Bill at COVID Assessment/Vaccination Centres
Sophia Jarvi avatar
Written by Sophia Jarvi
Updated over a week ago

COVID Assessment and Vaccination Centre Billing

COVID Assessment / Vaccination billing is paid by the hour. You will need to use the following codes:

H409A: COVID-19 Sessional Unit-per one-hour period, or major part thereof
H410A: COVID-19 Sessional Unit-per one-hour period, or major part thereof on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or Monday to Friday afterhours (5pm-7am)

We've put together a short tutorial on how to bill COVID assessment and vaccination centres. The steps are also available in the text below the video.

Step 1: Create a dummy patient

The MOH software systems were designed to be billed with a patient (without "blank" health card number). As such, you still have to create a (dummy) patient so that MOH accepts your claim.

Create a dummy patient with a specific health card value of 9777777779 (with any name and DOB). Our system will exclude this health card number in the claim submission.

Step 2: Add the Assessment Number (Mxxx)

On the web app:

  1. Enter the Assessment Centre group number (please obtain it from the Assessment Centre Administrator)

  2. Click Add New


On the mobile app:

  1. Go to Preferences under the left menu


2. Go to MOH Groups


3. Tap Create


4. Enter Group Number and Submit


Step 3: Create the Claim Record

On the web app:

Navigate to New Claims page and enter the following information:

  • Select the dummy patient created in Step 1

  • Select the Assessment Centre Group Number (Mxxx) in the MOH Group field

  • Enter the Service Code H409A or H410A

  • Enter the Quantity and Service Date


On the mobile app:

Navigate to New Claim on the left menu and enter the following information:

  • Select the dummy patient created in Step 1

  • Select the Assessment Centre Group Number (Mxxx) in the MOH Group field

  • Enter the Service Code H409A or H410A

  • Enter the Quantity and Service Date



  1. The Mxxx group number (Assessment Centre Number) should ONLY be selected when billing service codes H409A/H410A.

  2. These Assessment Centre billings are submitted through Physicians’ solo MC EDT account and paid directly to the Physicians.

  3. A diagnostic code is NOT required when billing service codes H409/H410.

Please refer to the OHIP Bulletin #4755 for more details about the billing rules.

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