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Telehealth Codes for OHIP Billing

How to bill for telemedicine services

Sophia Jarvi avatar
Written by Sophia Jarvi
Updated over 5 years ago

Telehealth services are health services provided by a physician over live video instead of in-person. This can help reduce travel, wait times and scheduling conflicts.

Physicians in Ontario can submit claims for telemedicine consultations to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). They will be reimbursed by the OTN, the government-funded non-profit that was created to expand the use of telemedicine across the province.

How to bill for telemedicine services

To bill OHIP for telemedicine claims, a physician first has to register as a “telemedicine physician”.

To register, complete this form and submit it to OTN.

You will then receive a Registration Acknowledgement Letter with more information – and at that point you're ready to bill!

When submitting claims for the services you provide, your location should be designated as 'Ontario Telemedicine Network'.

There are OHIP fee codes that aren't eligible for telemedicine services. These are noted in the schedule of medical benefits.

Premium telemedicine billing codes

In addition to the regular service code, you can submit a premium billing code as compensation for providing telemedicine services. These are listed below:

Again, when submitting these codes your location should be set to 'Ontario Telemedicine Network'.

If you have questions, don't hesitate to double check with our OHIP billing agents here.  

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